Mapping the stakeholders
What interests do they have and what benefits can they get from the project |
How can they contribute and what resources can provide |
What expectations and requirements do they have of the project |
What interests do they have that can conflict with the project |
How are they prepared to address these conflicts of interests |
Influence and relevance of stakeholders
is a measure of the relative power each stakeholder has on decision-making in the Test Area, and on other local stakeholders; influence can be evaluated on a scale from 1 (little power over decision-making) to 2 (high power over decision making).
is a measure of the interest each stakeholder has in the SmartVillages project and its aims as regards the Test Area; relevance can be evaluated on a scale from 1 (low interest for the project and its aims) to 2 (high interest for the project and its aims in the Test Area).
Motivations and Orientations of stakeholders
are to be evaluated from intrinsic (enjoyment/interest in taking part in the SmartVillages activities) to extrinsic (material expectations in taking part in the SmartVillages activities). Motivations can be explicitly stated by the stakeholders or inferred by the project partner compiling the mapping. Motivations are intimately linked to Expectations from the project and can be a predictor of Committment in the project.
are to be measured on a scale from self-oriented (the core of decisions from the stakeholder comes from internal sources) to other-oriented (the core of decisions from the stakeholder comes from external sources. Orientations can be explicitly stated by the stakeholders or inferred by the project partner compiling the mapping.